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Louet Spinning Wheels

Louet opened in 1974 headed by Jan Louet Feisser and Clemens Claessen. The business was then based around the revolutionary S10 Spinning Wheel which supported the rapid growth of spinning as a home based hobby. As the scope and scale of production continued to develop, they designed and produced a range of new and innovative spinning wheels.

Superior engineering and high quality workmanship have underpinned Louet’s spinning and weaving equipment for the past 30 years and remains very important to this day. The latest addition, the Victoria spinning wheel demonstrates this approach. Superior engineering has allowed Louet to design and manufacture a spinning wheel that is very functional, practically superior in its size, weight and portability and offered at an affordable price.

3424 S Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113, USA

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(303) 514-8780

©2024 by Blazing Star Ranch

Hours: 10:00 - 6:00 Mon-Sat

10:00-2:00 Sunday

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