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Kromski Looms

In 2001 we developed and produced a very popular rigid heddle loom, the Kromski Harp. We also manufacture accessories for spinning and weaving, such as spinning stools, niddy noddies and shuttles.

Kromski and Sons is a family business. Three generations of Kromski’s have worked with wood and learned the craft of wood turning, a skill they have elevated to an art.
The Kromski’s take pride in providing spinners and weavers world-wide with high quality, well engineered spinning and weaving tools that not only operate at modern standards but also have a design and architecture that enhance the lives and surroundings of their customers. Form and function come together in the hands of a Kromski artisan and the results are a sight to behold, use and own.

3424 S Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113, USA

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(303) 514-8780

©2024 by Blazing Star Ranch


Hours: 10:00 - 6:00 Mon-Sat

10:00-2:00 Sunday


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