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Our Blazing Star Ranch yarns and rovings are locally
raised here in Elizabeth, CO, and US milled.

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Our herd is known for breeding many great qualities in their animals, and one if fineness.
Generally, the finer the fiber, the thinner the yarn. That said, most of our herd yarns are fingering to sport weight, and if we add some wool into the mix, we can get a bit thicker spins.

Each skein has the image of our alpaca and their name to allow you more of a connection to what you are working with, and so you know all the dedication that has gone into it leading up to landing in your hands!

If you aren't familiar with alpaca, they are shorn once a year, and that blanket makes one run of yarn. Each year the animal changes slightly, and it is reflected in their fleece color and/or quality.
However, another thing we breed for is longevity of fineness.
Meaning, that they retain their superior quality for many years! To prove this, we are fortunate enough to have not just one, but TWO animals who have won "Spirit of the Industry" banners. These are given to animals who are a little older, but embody what the breed strives for.

3424 S Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113, USA

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(303) 514-8780

©2024 by Blazing Star Ranch

Hours: 10:00 - 6:00 Mon-Sat

10:00-2:00 Sunday

>> Get low-stress bike routes to Blazing Star Ranch from anywhere in Denver.

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